
Operation ReachBack (ORB) is organized on two levels. 

National and Local Chapters

National Chapters

The national chapter adopts and facilitates initiatives that embrace general needs in the Black Community of the United States and special programs in Africa.

National projects have included:

  • The publishing of the book "Black Seventh-day Adventists Face the 21st Century" (1996)
  • Digging water wells in Tanzania and Kenya
  • Establishing an elementary school in the southern part of Kenya
  • Providing saddles and mopeds to pastors in Ethiopia
  • Facilitating short-term mission service on the continent of Africa for several hundred volunteers
  • Conducting numerous, very successful evangelistic campaigns

These and other services by the National Chapter have involved a number of countries in the motherland, including:

  • Cameroon
  • Ethiopia
  • Kenya
  • Lesotho
  • Madagascar
  • Mauritius
  • Zambia
  • Zimbabwe


Local Chapters

Local chapters focus on issues and needs in their specific area and are free to choose methods that will best assist in their locations

Local chapter projects have been heavily oriented towards education and youth advancement in general.