Daily Inspiration


Weep Not

Friday, June 28, 2024

Christ Is Close Beside You

Why weepest thou? John 20:15 -- {ML 183.1}

Often they [the disciples] repeated the words, "We trusted that it had been He which should have redeemed Israel." Lonely and sick at heart they remembered His words, "If they do these things in a green tree, what shall be done in the dry?" They met together in the upper chamber, and closed and fastened the doors, knowing that the fate of their beloved Teacher might at any time be theirs. -- {ML 183.2}

And all the time they might have been rejoicing in the knowledge of a risen Saviour. In the garden Mary had stood weeping, when Jesus was close beside her. Her eyes were so blinded by tears that she did not discern Him. And the hearts of the disciples were so full of grief that they did not believe the angels' message or the words of Christ Himself. -- {ML 183.3}

How many are still doing what these disciples did. How many echo Mary's despairing cry, "They have taken away the Lord, ... and we know not where they have laid Him." To how many might the Saviour's words be spoken, "Why weepest thou? whom seekest thou?" He is close beside them, but their tear-blinded eyes do not discern Him. He speaks to them, but they do not understand. -- {ML 183.4}

O that the bowed head might be lifted, that the eyes might be opened to behold Him, that the ears might listen to His voice! "Go quickly, and tell His disciples that He is risen." ... Mourn not as those who are hopeless and helpless. Jesus lives, and because He lives we shall live also. From grateful hearts, from lips touched with holy fire, let the glad song ring out, Christ is risen! He lives to make intercession for us. Grasp this hope, and it will hold the soul like a sure, tried anchor. Believe, and thou shalt see the glory of God. -- {ML 183.5}

From My Life Today page 183.

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